1 `start frame` 19 `velocity` 100 0 0 `acceleration` -1 0 0
宠物等级显示 [event evolute creature] 145 [/event evolute creature] 活动编号103 宠物坐标进行调整以下内容表示宠物位置处于角色后方x轴 70坐标 [character span] -70 宠物终极技能释放OBJ 碰触后OBJ消失 是因为没有加穿透 OBJ同理 [piercing] 1000 0 1000 0 [/piercing] 宠物调用空路径ANI会导致错误 [random motion] `Animation/rin&len_03sing.ani` `` [/random motion] [basic motion]基本正常动作 `Animation/aquajello_stand.ani` [walk motion]步行行走动作 `Animation/aquajello_move.ani` [run motion]跑步动作 `Animation/aquajello_move.ani` [skill motion]小技能开始动作 `Animation/aquajello_skill1_body.ani` [over skill motion]终极技能动作 `Animation/aquajello_skill2_body.ani` [response motion]宠物响应动作 `Animation/aquajello_response_body.ani` [equip motion]装备动作在背包的显示 `Animation/equip_body.ani` [get exp motion]得到经验动作 [basic over effect] `Animation/aquajello_stand_dodge.ani` [walk over effect] `Animation/aquajello_move_dodge.ani` [run over effect] `Animation/aquajello_move_dodge.ani` [response over effect] `Animation/aquajello_response_body_dodge.ani` [additional animation]增加终极技能ANI `[over skill]` 1 `Animation/aquajello_skill2_handlight.ani` [additional animation]增加技能ani `[skill]` 1 `Animation/aquajello_skill2_handlight2.ani` [default particle]默认粒子 ptl文件 `Particle/basic.ptl` [response sound tag]响应的声音标签 `H_CREATURE_CRY` [wing sound tag]行走声音 `WING_FLAP_01` [run sound tag]跑步声音 `WING_FLAP_01` 该宠物可以使用宠物经验药剂 [selective grow creature] [using exp item] 1 [grow Atype item index] 10000003 [item count for levelup] 6 [/selective grow creature] [passive]skl文件 释放OBJ特效 ID 延时 x y z ptl 60056 2800 50 0 60 `particle/void.ptl` [buff] `[fire element assign to user]`武器火 20000 1 `[water element assign to user]`武器冰 20000 1 `[light element assign to user]`武器光 20000 1 `[dark element assign to user]`武器暗 20000 1 `[physical attack bonus]`力量增加 5000 20 `[magical attack bonus]`智力增加 5000 20 `[physical attack]`力量增加 5000 20 `[magical attack]`智力增加 5000 20 `[physical defense]`体力 5000 20 `[magical defense]`精神 5000 20 [/buff] ACT状态 buff [active status buff] 持续时间 [duration] 20000 状态持续时间 [active status duration] 2000 概率 [probability] 3 PVP概率降低 [reduce probability to human armor at pvp module] 80 状态活动类型? [active status buff event type] 2 ACT状态 [active status] `burn` 60 5000 0 1 0 [/active status] [/active status buff] act 状态 buff [pre teleport]传送 瞬间移动x坐标 200 `Animation/ignis_skill2_teleportstart.ani`过去的ANI ``回来的ANI [pre teleport] 200 `` `` 移动 [move] 移动编号 [/move] 移动结束 增加ANI [additional animation] 持续时间 [duration time] 20000 状态 增加 ani [start addtional animation] `skill/effect/Petit_Ashcore_Effect_1_Front.ani` 1 [/start addtional animation] 循环增加ani [loop addtional animation] `skill/effect/Petit_Ashcore_Effect_2_Back.ani` -1 `skill/effect/Petit_Ashcore_Effect_2_Front.ani` 1 [/loop addtional animation] 结束增加ANI [end addtional animation] `skill/effect/Petit_Ashcore_Effect_3_Back.ani` -1 `skill/effect/Petit_Ashcore_Effect_3_Front.ani` 1 [/end addtional animation] [/additional animation] 清楚所有异常状态 [active status recovery] `any` 宠物第二种技能写法 [skill motion] `Animation/petit_correggio_skill.ani` [over skill motion] `Animation/petit_correggio_overskill.ani` [skill recovery time] 30000 [over skill recovery time] 20000 [skill MP] 0 [over skill MP] 0 [learn skill level] 1 [learn overskill level] 100 [attack info] `AttackInfo/attack.atk` `AttackInfo/overskill.atk` [/attack info] [skill string] `petit_correggio_skill_0001` `petit_correggio_skill_0002` `petit_correggio_skill_0003` `petit_correggio_skill_0004` [/skill string] [skill info] `skill/skill.skl` [over skill info] `skill/overskill.skl` 宠物装备增加属性 [creature minimum level] [creature physical attack] [creature magical attack] [creature skill consume mp rate] [creature skill charge time rate] [creature skill over charge time rate] [creature experience amount rate] [creature physical critical hit] [creature magical critical hit] [creature stuck] [creature minimum level]宠物需要多少等级佩戴 [creature physical attack]宠物物理攻击 [creature magical attack]宠物魔法攻击 [creature skill consume mp rate]宠物技能耗蓝 [creature skill charge time rate]宠物普通技能冷却时间 [creature skill over charge time rate]宠物终极技能冷却时间 [creature experience amount rate]宠物获得经验 [creature physical critical hit]宠物物理暴击 [creature magical critical hit]宠物魔法暴击 [creature stuck]宠物命中率 |